Need chill out ?

Need own space ?


We have an answer !!



 Ceiling Saturn

Hand painting the Night Sky constellations onto service users bedroom ceiling or a bespoke sensory room. 

tinkerbell with toadstools

Our glow in the dark paint will shine  for 4 to 6 hours  and only requires a 15 minute boost from a u/v light to continue the cycle.


Our paint will last for at least 15 years.

u/v unit in wire cage

We install the u/v lights and can supply and install wire cages if necessary. 

Musical Chords 1

We have hundreds of ceiling stencils to choose from or we can design one especially for you.

Cats on Moon 2

In the dark the ceiling becomes an open window to the stars

Fire Cert Linings

With the use of fire certificated blackout lining we can turn a room into a sensory room

Ceiling Dolphin 3

Turn on a light and our work disappears

Ceiling Owl 2

Please have a look at our glow in the dark gallery for more images.